images via pinterest
When it comes to holiday giving I feel like people tend to fall into two types of gift givers: those who love to wrap presents and those who don’t. And while you certainly don’t need to be a world-class gift wrapping expert to present a beautiful gift, I totally get that it can feel like a creative art form.

Here are some fun and creative ways to wrap your gifts this year, without a lot of fuss!
1. Gift Bags – this one is an obvious no-brainer if you are not a fan of traditional wrapping paper, ribbons and bows. Grab your favorite gift bag and clip a sprig of pine or rosemary to the front for a festive touch, toss your gift and tissue paper inside and you are good to go!
2. Fabric – this can be a fun way to go if you are gifting something like a scarf along with other items. Try folding the other items neatly inside the scarf and tying the ends of the scarf in a knot or bow around them. Easy peasy and it looks so interesting and unique!
3. Neutral brown boxes – these are easy to grab at Target or Amazon and give off simple, yet elegant vibes under the tree. Bonus if you throw a pre-tied bow on top or tie a strip of velvet ribbon around the box for an extra festive (but easy!) touch!
4. Ornament decoration – whether you are using a trusty gift bag or neutral gift box, I love the idea of adding a fun holiday ornament to the outside to make it extra personalized and unique. It’s as easy as tying a piece of ribbon through the loop on the ornament and attaching it with tape to your gift. So cute and it’s the best way to personalize the wrapping to the recipient!
5. Baskets – if you aren’t bothered by the recipient being able to see what’s in their gift (which is ideal for neighbors and teachers, or anyone who won’t be peeking under the Christmas tree all month long!), then baskets are a great way to go. They are also the perfect vessel if you are a ‘theme’ gift giver. For example, if you are putting together a kitchen gadget gift collection, or a relaxing spa set, baskets are a great way to corral all of the items into one beautiful display without a lot of fuss on your part!
Are you a gift wrapping pro, or do you prefer to take the easy (but beautiful!) way out this time of year?!