Let me first start out by saying how much I have been lusting and dreaming over a couple particularly expensive designer bags (like this crossbody bag) for quite some time now. I know designer handbags are an investment, and I have been searching for awhile now for the perfect one that fits my style and all that will work for all occasions. It has been difficult for me to pull the trigger and justify paying full price for a designer handbag, when I know I can buy a well loved designer bag in excellent absolutely perfect condition at a great discounted price through Trendlee.
I love this Celine Phantom bag Trendlee sent me (especially since it’s so versatile and will take me from work with my laptop to happy hour with my makeup bag and change of shoes). Oh, and did I mention it’s currently priced at over $1,000 OFF!? Let me take you through the “how to’s” of purchasing your dream designer bag for less…
TOP: ASTR // DENIM: BlankNYC // SHOES: Hinge (only $49 on sale, similar pair here) // SUNGLASSES: Karen Walker (on major sale) // BAG: Celine c/o Trendlee
What is Trendlee?
Trendlee is a high-end, pre-owned, designer handbags reseller. They sell every dreamy designer brand you can think of: Gucci, Dior, Prada, Chanel, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, you name it!
Why purchase from Trendlee?
They take authenticity VERY seriously at Trendlee and have a very high bar set for quality! My Celine bag (and every bag on their site) arrives packaged perfectly and safely… dust bag, authenticity card and all.
Now… how do I purchase my dream designer bag for LESS?
I know you all love a good deal as much as I do, so Trendlee is currently offering $100 off your purchase using code TEMPTATION at checkout! If you’ve had your eye on a designer handbag (or wallet) for quite some time, then now is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself. They also offer financing, so you can pay off your handbag purchase monthly if need be. And lastly, they’re SUPER great with returns and exchanges, so your purchase can be totally hassle free!
I hope this post and Trendlee will help make all your designer handbag dreams come true! If you end up purchasing a bag, I’d love to hear about your experience + which bag you decided to invest in! Have a happy weekend and thank you for reading!!! XOXO