Green Juice: Just looking at this color juice makes some people cringe. They automatically think “broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus….VEGGIES!” and run. Not me!!! This stuff is heaven on earth. It is SO refreshing and actually tastes very FRUITY. Yes, I said it…it actually tastes like real fruit! One of my good friends made this at home with her juicer and brought it over for me as a surprise. I tried saving half for the following day but couldn’t. I actually finished it before she even left my house! You can essentially use any combination of fruits + veggies in a juicer but for this particular recipe she used green apples, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, and ginger! Mmmmm mmmm good 🙂 What are your favorite types of fresh juice?Sometimes quotes like this are SO refreshing to read! A good one resonates with you and is a great reminder of life itself and your purpose. I especially like this one because it’s SO TRUE!!! Surface level conversation can only get you so far in life. If you really want to know somebody and connect on a deeper level, you must be vulnerable, speak with passion, and that will get you farther than you imagined. There’s nothing more rewarding than clicking with somebody and really getting to know exactly who they are, and what their hopes and dreams are! 🙂 Do you have any favorite life quotes?! Share them in the comments, I’d love to hear!
SBCC Stadiums: Like I always mention, I love to mix up my workouts here and there. The other evening, I had about 30 minutes to workout so I headed to the Santa Barbara City College Stadiums. I have a special workout routine for stairs that I will share in the near future, so stay tuned, but in the mean time…check out this BREATHTAKING (pun intended) view for a workout! 🙂