Signing up for a group fitness class holds you accountable for getting a workout in your busy day. It’s scheduled, structured, and you feel responsible for attending. Some of my favorites are HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Spin (or Indoor Cycle), BodyPump, and Hot Yoga. I try and mix it up as much as possible. Your body needs to experience continuous growth through adapted workouts to get the best results. So refresh your workout and yourself with new group fitness classes every so often!
Some people thrive off of the motivation others feed them in a group fitness class and others tend to hide in the back and slack or get away with not working out as hard because it is not a one-on-one training session. Whatever your situation, make sure you get the most out of a group fitness class by trying your hardest, and pushing to your greatest but also by following these four tips:
- Set yourself up to have a positive experience by telling yourself “I’m beautiful and I’m strong. This class may kick my butt but sweating will bring a smile, so bring it on!” Remember everyone has tried a group fitness class for the first time, they’ve all been there done that. So remember that you are amazing and there’s no reason to be afraid.
- Before class, make sure the instructor knows it’s your first time. It’s so helpful for the teachers and yourself, and will provide you with a better workout experience. There will probably be modifications involved which will give you options as to how hard you want to push yourself that day in class.
- Sometimes during a group fitness class there is so much that is being told and so much that is being done, that it’s difficult to simultaneously listen to every detail the instructor is saying, but please try. This is so crucial to having a successful class. I try and pretend that the instructor is right in front of me and she (or he) is only talking to me, like we’re in a one-on-one training session. This encourages me to practice listening to the instructor which in turn motivates me to practice listening to myself.
- Do what feels right, and stop if it feels wrong. We’ve all been there before. We think we know our body inside out, but are still guilty of pushing through when we probably shouldn’t have. It’s important to give your body the rest or recovery it needs in order to later tackle the workout with an even greater commitment mentally and physically.
I encourage you to take ownership of yourself and your workout today and take a group fitness class or two. I promise it’ll bring a learning experience and a rush of positive endorphins along with it!